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 Post subject: Track: Nijmegen - Lent
PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 1:32 pm 
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Joined: Sat Oct 25, 2003 11:02 am
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Location: Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Hi everyone :D

Here's another product of a couple of days of hard work (some kind of occupation to avoid studying [uhoh] ). I would appreciate it if you took the time to test it for me and if I could get some feedback. Thanks! :)

The track can be downloaded here.


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PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 6:34 pm 
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Good track,

but right of the start there was something wrong with it
but about mid way my ears started bleeding and it didnt seem so bad anymore.

Please, please open your wav in sound recorder and reduce the volume 25% lol. Maybe more, it was way to loud, i couldnt even hear my engine. I thought the song sucked aswell but who am i to judge that right? But please lower the volume, im far to lazy to have to reach up and turn down the volume to play your track heh.


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PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 8:13 pm 
Glow Ball
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Does this mean Whynni's ride is finished?

Anyway, I like it. After cp1 there's a little rise to the train platform that will trip you up if you're not careful. And it's fun to push those unbrellas around ;-)

Nice combination of high speed and careful maneuvering.

And looks great.

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 10:18 pm 
easy company
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After the last few weeks running Bill's torturous tracks this was like a big bowl of candy. The bridges the trains the creative use of ground boxes all look great and the course is a lot of fun. I didn't notice anything that need's fixing.

Well done.

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 3:11 am 
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I love it Whynni. Track looks great and it rides awesome. Phin is also right, after those horrific tracks of GB this is heaven lol.

Also Slayer i right. The music is way to load. But unlike Slayer i like the song. Gives a little extra to the fun factor of this track :-).

The track has a real dutch feel to it. Flat, flatter the flat lol. But as i said, it rides awesome.

One minor thing that bugged me from lap 1. The right side of the CP4 marcer is flying in the air. Like i said, minor.. And very easily fixed. But i saw it from the first time i passed it so i guess it's a good idea to have it fixed.

I love motorsports, because for soccer, basketball, tennis, golf, ... you only need 1 ball

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 10:29 am 
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Location: Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Wow, thanks very much for your comments! :D

I thought the music wasn't very loud, but I recently discovered that the sound volume in the game was very low on my comp. I'm definitely going to fix that to keep people's ears intact.

Phin, "Whynni's Ride" can be called finished. The last time I released a track officially is a date I cannot even remember. Could you tell me how I release it officially? Do I have to upload it someplace or at my own webspace (which means I have to wait for Cope to give me access to his new webspace). Perhaps I should post the updated version in the beta room first for last-minute comments?

I'm glad it looks Dutch enough, because it is of course in the Netherlands (even the trains are Dutch). I actually cycled this route and took pictures. It proved difficult to make the route look like how it looks in real, so the final result is based on the real route. It feels like I'm really there when I drive this track. I kind of have a thing for bridges. Whenever I travel from my parents to Nijmegen, the train drives of that train bridge. From there, the other bridge and the skyline of the town look lovely.

I'm relieved that the track runs well for all of you. I was afraid the bridges would make the track slow or would give vertices errors.

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 12:25 pm 
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(I started writing this yesterday)

I've been meaning to write about this track all day but I've been having so much fun with this track I've only just got around to writing. (I've run about 50 laps so far)

Overall this is an excellent track - it's great to see another cicuit/rally maker creating something new. Looking at the dates it seems like you put this together within 3 weeks! Wow, you must've had a lot of studying to avoid! Heehee.[:)]

Here's my overall impression:

Since reading your last post it kinda negates the comment I was going to make about it looking typically Dutch i.e. flat - which is not a bad thing..... extreme ramps and jumps tend to make things seem unrealistic. This is a track that could exist in real life...and indeed I can see that is your intention. I should mention that I have been to Nijmegen* and this track really reminds me of the countryside, and "atmosphere" of Holland.

I'd say they were "adequate" but could be better. More about this later.....

The models are great. As Wint says the bridges are superb (I plan on using them in a track I'm working on if that's OK with you). I loved the train too (is that a repaint of Sir James' Flyer?). I noticed a couple of my trees - I feel honoured. Buildings are good. Fountain (with sound effects) is a nice touch.

Sucks (as in 95% of all tracks including TRI stock)
I think the trouble is MTM2 was not developed to cope with anything other than 90 degree turns. More later

As far as the music goes... I think it's at the perfect volume (I like the Pogues) :) Maybe Wint could suggest ways of reducing the WAV file size though. The music compliments the track perfectly - I found myself tapping along to the music as I raced, unfortunately I use the keyboard to race.

10 outta 10... I can see this being a great track to run against online racers as well as being fun to run solo.

IMO the motorway might benefit from some traffic (and maybe traverse the whole of the map like the rail track).
There needs some indication of where to go when you get to the station..... I got lost on my first couple runs, as did the bots.

*Nijmegen (pronounced NYmegen)... I was there in 1984 on the way to Arnhem.

Re Whynni's Ride
Could you tell me how I release it officially? Do I have to upload it someplace [:-)] [:-)]

great job

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 7:07 am 
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For some reason, the link to my track stopped working for a moment. Maybe the university I go to doesn't like un-academical things on my webspace there. But it seems to work now again.

Anyway, I uploaded a new version [download it here] with:
- A music volume that doesn't let your ears peep.
- Arrows at the railway station so you won't get lost.
- A fixed CP4.

I hope the music volume is better now!
Emcee, I'm curious to the comments you will give me later. Yes, the computer trucks remain a problem. At least they finish their laps now. I spent quite some time on them, until I gave up and decided that it was alright this way.

I loved the train too (is that a repaint of Sir James' Flyer?).

Actually, it's not a repaint. I thought about repainting the Flyer train, but then it would not be completily mine, which means I would have to credit him every time I use it. Therefore, I decided to begin from scratch.

As far as the music goes... I think it's at the perfect volume (I like the Pogues)

Hehe, actually, the music if by Flogging Molly, a band I love! They have some Pogues influences though. :)

*Nijmegen (pronounced NYmegen)... I was there in 1984 on the way to Arnhem.

How cool that you went there! Did you actually drive over the bridge? I'm curious to your pronunciation of Nijmegen. The Y looks alright. For those who are interested in a phonetic enscription: /NaImEIgən/. Hmm. I guess the "schwa" sound can't be published here (a flipped "e").

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 1:34 pm 
Glow Ball
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> "Whynni's Ride" can be called finished.

Oh, what I meant by official is that you say it's finished and have it so anybody can drive it who wants to. Uploading here is always a welcome bonus ;-)

I'll look at both tracks soon

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 1:09 am 
Glow Ball
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I think these are both ready to go. I just did several laps on both and the only thing I could find wrong was my own driving. Even the music should be good for Slayer now. Great work!!!

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 5:19 am 
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Location: Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Thank you! I received some last feedback from Wint :), so I'd like to update both tracks to improve them. I can't do that until next week (because I'm at my parents' house this week), but I'll definitely release the final versions next week (including readme's).

Thanks very much to everyone who tested my tracks! *hugs*

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 5:58 am 
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Ack!! Too late I see lol. Sorry, was attending to some rather pressing personal issues. I'll have a look anyway. :)

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 10:14 am 
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Not sure what Wint found, but here's all I saw:

- There's a slight shortcut to cp1 as seen by these pics: 1 - 2. If done right, you can shave off about 1.5 secs at the most. In my opinion I wouldn't worry about it - let people who want to take the risk take it. It's not an extremely difficult cut, but your line going into it (starting from when you round the corner before you get to the upward incline) has to be "righteous", however. If not, you might as well stick to the course layout.

- The collision properties for the gazebo and water well by checkpoint 3 are slightly off.

- Then there's this here, which I'm not sure what, if anything could be done about it. Move the tree a little farther away from the wall maybe?

- Now, this one you might want to slap me upside my head for being too picky, but I just couldn't help myself. Centering and balance are big with me lol. I've tried to change, really I have, but I can't.
There are a couple of trees around the start line wherby the tree trunk isn't centered on the circular area of grass. The above picture shows the worse one, I think, but there are more. Is it a big deal? Nope. How many people will notice it? Probably none lol, and it's because they're normal, but they sure caught my attention. :)

That's it - very nice work, Whynni!

Average lap is around 2:11.00. Recommended settings: 1900 m/s


The sign just before checkpoint 2 - another model that could stand to be set to no-collide, then retrofitted with object boxes. Well, the pole at least. The actual sign isn't a problem lol.


One more minor detail. The house is near checkpoint 5.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 9:12 pm 
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Ooh.. hugs for testing tracks? I'd like to see Emcee try to get away with that. [:P]

Hey, it's nice to see the trackologist back in action, but it's a good thing he can't fine us makers for building code violations.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 9:24 pm 
Glow Ball
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Hey, I thought all those things were stylistic considerations.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 11:24 am 
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Yes, people can receive hugs for testing. :D

The collision properties for the gazebo and water well by checkpoint 3 are slightly off.

Actually, I did not intend those to be movable. I made the gazebo non-collide and added object boxes so you can ride along it more closely.

I just tried to upload Nijmegen - Lent on the upload page, but it says it's an improper zip size. Is it, perhaps, too big? It's 5.13 MB.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 1:25 pm 
Glow Ball
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Whynni wrote:
it says it's an improper zip size. Is it, perhaps, too big? It's 5.13 MB.

I just increased the allowable file size. It should be okay now.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 2:18 pm 
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w00t! Thank you! :)

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