A great idea... I have spent hours in the past downloading some pretty crappy tracks (they HAD good names tho!).
Maybe I can start the ball rolling with a rundown of my own track:
Updated 13/2/00
New checkpoints to replace the previous ones (to prevent then being seen through the landscape) at Pineus's suggestion. Some corners and some roads smoothed out a little. Some retexturing. It's a little faster course now... but ya still have to be careful!
The Track:
It started out as Azrally but as I got more into it (adding textures and models from other stock stuff) the Aztec label seemed a little off the point... so it's final name is MCmountrally (MC, Emcee geddit?)

It's a fairly long course with some tricky parts to tackle. There are a few 45 degree turns, some jumps and a couple of icy patches along the way. It starts out at ground level next to a lake, the first right turn is a little bumpy (a lot smoother now) but you can cut this corner if other trucks aren't in the way. Then there's a gentle slope leading to a jump over some water and immediately over a hump. When you land here (in front of a billboard) it's left through the 1st checkpoint (from here you are gaining altitude). Then you follow the tree-lined road to the 2nd checkpoint and the first bridge. Next is a long straight leading to checkpoint 3, but along the way there's an icy patch of road before you reach the 2nd bridge. A sharp right after passing through checkpoint 3, past the Watford logos, sharp right again towards the 3rd (right-angled) bridge.
You are now at the highest point. Full thottle through Checkpoint 4 to jump the canyon, keep straight to take the next jump and land in snow... but use your brakes'cos there's a sharp left just after you land. You are now descending. A slightly bumpy downward straight takes you to the next jump but use your brakes immediately on landing, turn left, then carefully left again to the next jump. Then a bumpy descent to a 45 degree left turn and a little jump over some more water to checkpoint 5. Once through here (you're now back at ground level) it's a straight race through the canyon (with a couple of bumps) to checkpoint 6 and then a 45 degree right brings you back to the start line.
Obviously this is no review or assessment of the track but anyone reading this please feel free to download it (from
http://members.tripod.com/Emcee4/) and review it here. Pull no punches, I'd like an honest opinion! I intend to write a review of the latest track I have downloaded (OOps'
RONDAT SPEEDWAY) in the near future.
Best wishes