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 Post subject: A new idea
PostPosted: Wed Mar 01, 2000 6:07 am 
Glow Ball
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Joined: Tue Feb 02, 1999 7:00 pm
Posts: 24
I just did something I've never done before. Don't know if anybody noticed or not but enocell released fourteen tracks all at once today, and I downloaded everyone of them and took each for a spin.

To give you an idea of the scope of enocell's work, here's a list with my times.

~ please excuse the gap, seems no bbs is perfect ~

Alkali Flats 9:24
*** Groove 5:25
Floating Point Pass 2:35
Flourescent Pass 5:56
Get On 3:11
Hillbilly Deluxe 12:00
Hip Cat Junction 4:13
Lodge 5:22
Murky Water Junction 5:21
Mojo Boogie 5:28
Schmuck Road 32 2:38
Spittle County 5:11
Stereo Valley 7:08
Weevilville 2:21

What a speedster, eh?

Custom models, custom textures, adapted textures from mtm1 and mtm2, huge tracks jam packed full of things, some very long lap times (oh, yeah, I ran one lap only on each track and occasionally stopped to look around, so please no cracks about my slow times). I think my favorite model was the Bloated Liver Bar, but the radio and hydro towers look great and the bridges, trains and the dam look equally good.

All I can say is "Man, has this guy been busy or what!"

I'm not going to review every single one of them here, but this mega-release got me thinking about a lot of things. For instance, we still have no real method for learning about the good tracks or the bad. KC's reviews were a little bit helpful but many tracks got unnoticed, and now they're gone anyway. I've never seen a description posted at Nicky's. People like Rude Dog and ObeOne are trying to sift and sort through them, but lets face it, nobody can do it all. Track vote was a noble idea but just doesn't work.

So, what I was thinking was to maybe create a section here on the message board where people could announce their new completed tracks (let's leave the betas for the general area), or people could offer their views on other people's tracks, and hopefully this could provide a place to learn what's what about a track and where everyone can offer their opinions (rather than being limited to just one reviewer). I think this is an interesting idea that might help spread the word about the hundreds of tracks around.

Here's what I had in mind. If somebody starts a new thread, just put the tracks name in the subject bar and list the maker if it isn't your own. So for example, I could put the subject as "Big Oval by Phineus" and add my views in the text (for example, it's a short, primitive circuit). Then anyone could offer more if they thought the first note doesn't say enough or says it wrong or whatever. The trick would be to not start multiple threads for the same track. Keep all the talk in the same spot for that track.

I think if we stick to this basic idea, and be mindful of a track maker's feelings, this can be an excellent idea. I hope you do too.

- Phineus

<font size=1>[i]Edited by Phineus (20-02-2003)[/i]</font>

<font size=1>[i]Edited by Phineus (20-02-2003)[/i]</font>

<font size=1>[i]Edited by Phineus (18-01-2023)[/i]</font> ;- )

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Mar 01, 2000 6:39 am 

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i like it :-)

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Mar 01, 2000 7:06 am 
easy company
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GRoooooooYY idea... worth a try

Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image

[This message has been edited by Malibu350 (edited 01-03-2000).]

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Mar 01, 2000 12:30 pm 
A great idea... I have spent hours in the past downloading some pretty crappy tracks (they HAD good names tho!).
Maybe I can start the ball rolling with a rundown of my own track:

Updated 13/2/00
New checkpoints to replace the previous ones (to prevent then being seen through the landscape) at Pineus's suggestion. Some corners and some roads smoothed out a little. Some retexturing. It's a little faster course now... but ya still have to be careful!
The Track:
It started out as Azrally but as I got more into it (adding textures and models from other stock stuff) the Aztec label seemed a little off the point... so it's final name is MCmountrally (MC, Emcee geddit?) :-)
It's a fairly long course with some tricky parts to tackle. There are a few 45 degree turns, some jumps and a couple of icy patches along the way. It starts out at ground level next to a lake, the first right turn is a little bumpy (a lot smoother now) but you can cut this corner if other trucks aren't in the way. Then there's a gentle slope leading to a jump over some water and immediately over a hump. When you land here (in front of a billboard) it's left through the 1st checkpoint (from here you are gaining altitude). Then you follow the tree-lined road to the 2nd checkpoint and the first bridge. Next is a long straight leading to checkpoint 3, but along the way there's an icy patch of road before you reach the 2nd bridge. A sharp right after passing through checkpoint 3, past the Watford logos, sharp right again towards the 3rd (right-angled) bridge.
You are now at the highest point. Full thottle through Checkpoint 4 to jump the canyon, keep straight to take the next jump and land in snow... but use your brakes'cos there's a sharp left just after you land. You are now descending. A slightly bumpy downward straight takes you to the next jump but use your brakes immediately on landing, turn left, then carefully left again to the next jump. Then a bumpy descent to a 45 degree left turn and a little jump over some more water to checkpoint 5. Once through here (you're now back at ground level) it's a straight race through the canyon (with a couple of bumps) to checkpoint 6 and then a 45 degree right brings you back to the start line.
Obviously this is no review or assessment of the track but anyone reading this please feel free to download it (from and review it here. Pull no punches, I'd like an honest opinion! I intend to write a review of the latest track I have downloaded (OOps'
RONDAT SPEEDWAY) in the near future.
Best wishes


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Mar 01, 2000 8:42 pm 
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Phin, howz about a 'trash talk' section too, for the people who like that sort of thing... then we won't have to read it, hehe.

But seriously, I tried a few of Enocell's tracks while they were in beta at vales. He's a very good track and model maker! He certainly has plenty of unique stuff. From the little that I've seen I can say his stuff deserves a look!

I like the idea of a single track or single maker per message thread <FONT SIZE="1" FACE="Verdana, Arial" COLOR="#FF0000">*Rock Ridge*</font>. I have a few very recent releases <FONT SIZE="1" FACE="Verdana, Arial" COLOR="#FF0000">*Rock Ridge*</font> in mind which deserve recommendation <FONT SIZE="1" FACE="Verdana, Arial" COLOR="#FF0000">*Rock Ridge*</font>.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Mar 02, 2000 3:15 am 
Glow Ball
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Posts: 24
"Trash talk" ? hmmm, what do you have in mind? But isn't that what goes on over at the main most of the time anyway. I thought that was what we were trying to get away from here. Of course there are always a few exceptions. *Rock Ridge* Btw, I was going to ask you something *Rock Ridge* but can't for the life of me remember what it was *Rock Ridge* I hope it comes back to me soon. I hate it when things slip my mind - which sure isn't what it used to be. Anyway I think I was going to ask if you could to do something *Rock Ridge* but ... well, maybe next time.

- Phineus

<font size=1>Edited by Phineus (18-01-2023)</font> ;- )

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Mar 02, 2000 4:32 pm 
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heh. I couldn't resist a little play on words, tracktalk/trashtalk -- and straight into the bin ;-)

Now I'm off to check out EmceeMart's track!

But first there is something nagging me, I must do something... hmm. There's a little red light flashing in my brain... I must... (insert subliminal message) .. oh, I think I know.

 Post subject: Re: A new idea
PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 2022 5:38 pm 
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I seemed to have happened upon the origin of "Track Talk" . . . just over 22 years ago. Amazing. Oh, and as for EmceeMart's MCmountrally, it's HIGHLY recommended! Twas an old favorite of ours back in the day. ;-)

 Post subject: Re: A new idea
PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2022 8:28 pm 
MTM2 Fanatic

Joined: Thu Sep 04, 2003 1:48 pm
Posts: 680
Holy crap, where'd the time go?
I still have memories of making mediocre Expo 2003 submissions at the age of ten.

 Post subject: Re: A new idea
PostPosted: Thu May 12, 2022 8:58 pm 
MTM2 Engineer
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I remember as a kid I never completely understood the concept of the Expo. But I loved the tracks made for it. They were all top notch

Also, this is no surprise but I absolutely loved Enocell tracks! He's probably my favorite track maker and a huge inspiration. Always a fan of his use of Scrapyard textures + *huge* city/offroad crossover environments.

I also remember how Phin disliked his track name choices

Well if there's a new expo someday I would definitively send something.

EDIT: @Fila, Is there any way to enable embedded HTML in the posts? So we can read this OP in all its glory

 Post subject: Re: A new idea
PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 11:06 am 
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22 Years already? Wowzies.

 Post subject: Re: A new idea
PostPosted: Wed Jan 18, 2023 2:53 am 
Glow Ball
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Joined: Tue Feb 02, 1999 7:00 pm
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Kmaster wrote:
I also remember how Phin disliked his track name choices

I don't recall it being a huge problem. Of course he was attentive to bodily functions (ass groove, spittle county) but, oh well, we all have our obsessions.

- Phineus

PS. ... ch=enocell

<font size=1>Edited by Phineus (18-01-2023)</font> ;- )

 Post subject: Re: A new idea
PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2023 6:13 pm 
MTM2 Engineer
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Phineus wrote:
Of course he was attentive to bodily functions (ass groove, spittle county)

Finnish humor. :lol:

I'm glad to see you're still around.

 Post subject: Re: A new idea
PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2023 8:26 pm 
Glow Ball
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Kmaster wrote:
I'm glad to see you're still around.

24 years ago today. It's been a while, eh?

 Post subject: Re: A new idea
PostPosted: Sun Mar 31, 2024 1:12 am 
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Kmaster wrote:

EDIT: @Fila, Is there any way to enable embedded HTML in the posts? So we can read this OP in all its glory

Don't think so. This forum is old software... ideally I would upgrade to newer versions but part of me was stuck on "keeping it the old way"...

 Post subject: Re: A new idea
PostPosted: Mon Apr 01, 2024 6:23 pm 
MTM2 Engineer
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as long as we keep those spam bots out (and that theres no big security issues), i'm fine with keeping the old forum software.

 Post subject: Re: A new idea
PostPosted: Mon Apr 01, 2024 6:24 pm 
MTM2 Engineer
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Phineus wrote:
Kmaster wrote:
I'm glad to see you're still around.

24 years ago today. It's been a while, eh?

when you get to 30, i'll send back your copy of MTM2 w/ the steering wheel :lol:

 Post subject: Re: A new idea
PostPosted: Tue Apr 02, 2024 1:47 am 
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Kmaster wrote:
as long as we keep those spam bots out (and that theres no big security issues), i'm fine with keeping the old forum software.

The advantage of the old forum software is that it is so old spam bots don't actively try to find ways of getting in. If they can't go past the initial check they give up. And the few that do go past, never make it past the newly registered.

I mean, technically I guess a similar ish method could be implemented with the newer software but I assume the bots are better designed to find loopholes much more efficiently. Also... not sure the new software even allows for the dumb method of catching bots that the old software allows.

 Post subject: Re: A new idea
PostPosted: Thu Nov 07, 2024 2:13 pm 
Glow Ball
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Posts: 24
Frankly, I like what we have over the newer stuff. It's straight-forward content rather than bells and whistles.

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