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 Post subject: TrackED2 track logo
PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2000 2:09 pm 
As some of you probrably already know from previous contact from myself that I don't know how to make the track logo. Well that's not quite right...

I can easily make a track logo (257x210 8 bit 256 color), the only problem is that I save it in the /UI directory, in that format, and I'm not sure when I pod it, zip it, and upload it that it stays with the track. So, if anyone could help me with anything(!ANYTHING!) related to this that involves TrackED2 please notify me. Thank you for your time.

my e-mail:


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PostPosted: Tue Jul 11, 2000 3:07 am 
easy company
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Joined: Tue Feb 29, 2000 2:01 pm
Posts: 2036
Go here and download the "Document Pack" this is the most complete help txt that i am aware of as far as tracked 2 goes, put together by Yeastman...

The mtmtrackEDFAQ.doc addresses your question in detail. read it Image

<IMG SRC="" border=0> Malibu350

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 11, 2000 9:16 am 

Joined: Thu May 25, 2000 2:01 pm
Posts: 135
Location: Chicago
Please only post once for each question in the future. 12 posts is 11 to many.

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 12, 2000 5:38 am 

Joined: Sat Feb 26, 2000 2:01 pm
Posts: 621
Location: Mississippi , USA
didny you just email me about this??

i told you exacaly how........ sheesh... lern how to follow directions

<IMG SRC="" border=0>

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 14, 2000 10:23 am 

Joined: Fri Apr 14, 2000 2:01 pm
Posts: 477
Location: sydney,australia
My TrackED thing on my site isn't going to be up for a while so heres the instructions of changing the TrackED track logo.I've cut it down to the easiest way to make your own pics

This tell you everything from the response file to the making of the BMPs

----> The Big Picture

Open up PSP and click on New and change the following options....


Width = 257
Height = 210

Image Type = 256 colours (8 Bit)

You will now have a picture with the right dimensions & colours....

Make your picture and save the changes....

(Make sure you save as BMP)

----> The small picture

Open up PSP and click on New and change the following options....



Image Type 256 colours (8-Bit)

You will now have a picture with the right dimensions & colours....

Make your picture and save the changes....

(Make sure you save as BMP)

Thats how you make the right BMP Files

---> SIT Editing

In The SIT file you will find two sections that look something like this.This is from the Crazy98 SIT File....

Track Logo .BMP file
Track Map .BMP file

Track Logo .BMP File is the bigger picture....

Track Map .BMP File is the smaller picture that goes next to the track name....

if you saved the big picture as MYLEV.BMP & the small picture as TN-MYLEV.BMP it will now look like this....

Track Logo .BMP file
Track Map .BMP file

Save changes & exit....

Now go into TrackED and write a POD of your track.
Open WinPOD (if you haven't got it get it from my web page []
Open up the pod file of your track you created in TrackED2
Click extract
Then ONLY check the box Extract Reponse File
Click extract
Now exit WinPOD.

Open up Notepad
Open up the response File that you created from WinPOD in a text editor like NotePad
(If you named your POD File MYLEV.POD in TrackED the reponse Filename will be MYLEV.LST)

Go to the bottom of the list of files and if your filenames for the two BMP files were MYLEV.BMP & TN-MYLEV.BMP this is what the two lines at the bottom will be like


Save Changes & exit

Open up WinPOD and open up the reponse file (lst)
(If an error message comes up you've written the two filenames in wrong)

Click On the Make button

Make your POD file

Exit WinPOD

Mount The POD

Play MTM2 (you now have your track logos on your track)

Any other TrackED2 problems? just give me an email

I will have my TrackED 2 section up in a while for everyone to see

*********************************************Can anyone take screenshots in TrackED because i need your help....

---> HAC-MAN
---> Keep On Hackin'
---> Http://

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